Promis.e Help

Syntax for Revision Number Display Format

The syntax for the Revision Number Display Format configuration variable is based on the Java MessageFormat.

formatClause : = { [ “[“ range “]” ] msgFormatPattern }+

range : start [,end]

msgFormatPattern : = string [ “{” msgFormatElement “}” string ]*

msgFormatElement : = argument [ “,” elementFormat ]

elementFormat : = “number” | “cardinal” | “letter” [ “,” letterStyle]

letterStyle : = { “uppercase” | “lowercase“|”AA”|“AB”|{“omit” letter}* }+

The table describes details of the syntax.

Syntax Element Use
formatClause One or more formatClauses are required. Each formatClause has an optional range and msgFormatPattern.
range: start [,end] Optional. Start and end range for the revision number.
msgFormatPattern Consists of a string (possibly empty), optional msgFormatElement (in curly braces), and another optional string.
{msgFormatElement} Consists of an argument (number that identifies the part of the revision number) and an optional elementFormat.
elementFormat If used, specifies "number," "cardinal," or "letter." "Number" indicates that the revision number is displayed as a number. “Cardinal” indicates that counting starts from 0, rather than 1. "Letter" indicates that the revision number is converted to one or more letters.
letterStyle Specifies either "uppercase" or "lowercase." Also specifies the rule, such as the AA and AB rules, or what to do when the number is beyond 26, plus which letters to omit from the alphabet. (Some organizations omit O and I because these letters can be confused with 0 and 1.)